The palindrome function will check the Given Number/ String is Palindrome or In case of List of Items It will test individual items in list can contribute to a Palindrome or Not.
def isPalindrome[A](item:A):Boolean = item match { case head :: Nil => isPalindrome(head) case ls:List[A] => ls.head == ls.last && isPalindrome(ls.drop(1).dropRight(1))// Checks the Head and Tail, and recursively check for the remaining case ls:String => ls.reverse == ls case e => e.toString.reverse == e.toString }
println("IS Palindrome :"+isPalindrome(1234454321)) // Result false println("IS Palindrome :"+isPalindrome(List(1,2,3,4,3,2,1))) // Result true println("IS Palindrome :"+isPalindrome("ABCDCBA")) // Result true